Leaders Dinners
For there to be a movement of the Gospel in London, it is essential to build gospel-centred friendships and collaboration. That’s why we’re holding several table fellowships. Intentionally creating a platform to celebrate what God is doing in our different communities, to recognise our common missional responsibilities and to discover the strength of collaboration across cultural differences.
Afro-Caribbean Leaders Dinner
March 2024
In March of 2024 we enjoyed dinner with Afro-Caribbean church leaders from across the city to enjoy dinner together. We gathered 58 leaders, representing over 25 churches. This was a powerful evening in which various leaders shared their heart for unity in the Church in London for the sake of seeing revival in the city, particularly seeking reconciliation between African and Afro-Caribbean church communities. We're so grateful to those who contributed and made it such an impactful time.
Korean Leaders Dinner
February 2024
In February 2024 we had the honour of meeting with 52 South Korean Church leaders from around 20 churches. We got to thank them for their service in the city, got to share our vision, and enjoyed getting to know new friendships. We also heard from Abe Cho, the Senior Director of Training with City to City NYC and North America.
Middle Eastern Leaders Dinner
January 2024
We kicked off 2024 by hosting a dinner for 45 leaders either working with or from the Middle eastern community. They represented 9 churches, and 10 parachurch organisations.
Like all these dinners we enjoyed a real sense of unity across the evening, and really engaged with conversation about what it means to join in our joint mission to the city as one Church.
British Leaders Dinner
November 2023
At the end of November we hosted our final dinner of the year for leaders largely from non-diaspora backgrounds. 68 guests attended from 32 Churches and 20 Parachurch Orgs. Like usual we spent the evening getting to know one another, heard from Girma about his perspective as a diaspora leader in the city, and heard from some key leaders about what they sense God is doing here.
'Thank you SO much for modelling gospel generosity - both in providing an extraordinary meal, but also in modelling gospel unity across cultural, ecclesiological, and denominational divides'
South Asian Leaders Dinner
September 2023
On Tuesday 19th September 2023 we hosted a dinner for over 60 South Asian leaders from around our city, representing 29 Churches and 8 parachurch organisations.
It was a privilege to thank them for their service to London, and to encourage one another in how we can together serve the gospel need of our diverse city.
African Leaders Dinner
March 2023
It was such a blessing to have dinner with leaders from over 30 churches and six para-church organizations last Tuesday. We were able to share stories, pray together, and discuss the opportunities in our city.
Latin American Leaders Dinner
January 2023
In January 2023 we hosted a dinner for around 55 Latin American leaders from over 18 Churches, the majority being Spanish speaking. We ate, chatted and shared a vision of God’s call on all of us to work together to reach the city.
‘Thank you for the opportunity and for bringing this amazing idea of unifying London’.